man in blue with helmet

Waterstof als onderdeel van de oplossing om Carbon Footprint te verlagen


Waterstof – De groei van het aantal projecten waar waterstof onderdeel van de oplossing is om de Carbon Footprint te verlagen zitten in de lift. Gas comprimeren in zo’n oplossingen? Daar komen wij aan te pas!

Waterstofcompressoren zijn onderdeel van onze Procesgasoplossingen. Extra technische details met betrekking tot drukken, debieten etc. zijn terug te vinden in onze brochure AERZEN Procesgasoplossingen.

Bij verdere vragen helpen wij u graag persoonlijk verder.

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- Bespoke noise protection: AERZEN relies on the advantages of reactive silencers

With reactive silencers, AERZEN reduces the noise emissions on the discharge side of its screw compressors, positive displacement blowers, and rotary lobe compressors. The innovative concept of these reactive silencers is superior to classic dissipative silencers in many respects.

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- A breath of nothing is decisive: AERZEN Turbo blowers with air bearings provide clear advantages compared to blowers with magnetic bearings.

Aeration tanks for wastewater treatment must be continuously provided with large air volumes. Turbo blowers offer here energy-efficient solutions. AERZEN has developed an amazingly simple method for the fast-rotating Turbo blowers - air bearings.

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- AERwater. The compact performance chain heading for Water 4.0

AERZEN faces all opportunities and challenges meant for planners and users working in the wastewater treatment sector  in terms of aeration technology.  The development of detailed components with which the responsible persons will find their way to Water 4.0 quickly and efficiently. AERwater, a...

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