man in blue with helmet

Technologia próżniowa

Niezawodność i wydajność

W branży spożywczej, w przemyśle farmaceutycznym, technologii chemicznej i procesowej, obróbce metalu lub przemyśle motoryzacyjnym: w wielu gałęziach gospodarki różne procesy produkcyjne wymagają gazów z ciśnieniem pozostającym znacznie poniżej ciśnienia atmosferycznego. Przy ciśnieniu do -700 mbar (300 mbar abs.) chodzi o podciśnienie. Poniżej 300 mbar abs. zaczyna się próżnia wstępna, średnia, wysoka i ultra-wysoka. W odpowiedzi na szczególne wymogi przemysłowej technologii próżniowej i technologii wysokiej próżni firma AERZEN ma kilka rozwiązań:

specjalne zespoły dmuchawa – silnik we wspólnej obudowie lub energooszczędnymi silnikami IE3, próżnioszczelne i chłodzone powietrzem. W różnych wersjach do tłoczenia gazów neutralnych lub agresywnych w połączeniu z pompą wstępną. Możliwe do zastosowania od powlekania folią i szkliwem do ekstrakcji wodoru, a nawet w warunkach sterylnych.

Raporty z zastosowania

Od ciśnienia atmosferycznego do próżni

Aspekt technologiczny – rozwiązania w technologii próżniowej

Jako wiodący globalny producent specjalnych próżniowych dmuchaw rotacyjnych AERZEN oferuje szeroki asortyment produktów. Należą do tego także jednostopniowe oraz dwustopniowe dmuchawy do wytwarzania podciśnienia. Dzięki temu klienci w każdej sytuacji znajdą właściwe rozwiązanie.

Are Vacuum Pumps and Compressors the Same?

Vacuum pumps and compressors generate vacuum pressure using similar methods. The difference is in the physical results.

A compressor generates compressed air molecules from outside air inside a pressure tank, while a vacuum pump blower evacuates the gas molecules from any sealed room.

Vacuum blowers are customizable to various types of gases being handled (aggressive, neutral, or inert) and the different environmental conditions.

For instance, when handling aggressive gases, you should customize the vacuum equipment and fittings to handle the possible health hazards in industrial use during the access, measurement, separation, and disposal of evacuated gases.

Why Choose AERZEN Vacuum Technology & Vacuum Systems?

Whatever industry your business operates in, the right vacuum systems can make all the difference. We offer a wide range of vacuum components that can reach and maintain precise desired values for various processes.

Our vacuum technology solutions are applicable in a wide range of industries globally, so you can rely on us to offer the right solution for every demand.

Choose AERZEN vacuum technology systems if you are in the following industries:

  • Biogas/Biomethane Services
  • Cement Industry
  • Chemical and Process Technology
  • Compressed Air Technology
  • Food/Liquids Processing
  • Maritime Services
  • Medical, Physics, and Chemistry Research
  • Pneumatic Transport for Bulk Material/Instrument Handling
  • Process Gas Technology
  • Thin Film Vacuum Coating
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment

AERZEN vacuum equipment is guaranteed as:

Precision Manufactured

We manufacture quality vacuum pre-pumps and vacuum rotary blowers with high-performance components that deliver trouble-free operation. Our vacuum pumps meet the increasing cost, durability, and energy optimization demands of industrial processes without burdening the surrounding environment.


At AERZEN, we offer tailor-made vacuum equipment and services that meet the demands of any vacuum process. Our vacuum blowers and canned motor blowers have the requisite quality to meet the high demands of industry and are suitable for a variety of different services.

We take into account each client's needs for desired performance, speed, and weight parameters for pre-pumps and vacuum rotary blowers by setting up professional and individualized consultations before any purchase to ensure you’re getting the right product for your needs. We also conduct software tests for energy use, durability, and performance to avoid problems when your pumps are in operation.

Energy- and Cost-Efficient

All our vacuum hardware meets the recognized international standards for energy efficiency and cost savings. We design our vacuum devices to ensure optimal consumption, especially in industries with high operating costs, saving you time and money in the long term.

Achieve as much as 30 – 80% of energy savings and save between 50 – 60% in electricity costs in the future with an energy- and cost-efficient vacuum device from AERZEN.

AERZEN Vacuum Equipment Guarantees Lasting Quality, Durability, Energy Efficiency, and More

AERZEN's vacuum hardware can help customers meet their vacuum production goals in a wide range of industries. We are committed to providing high-quality vacuum devices to all types of industries and have been doing so since the 1940s.

As a global leader in the manufacture of positive displacement vacuum blowers, our main idea is to ensure that all our vacuum blower and pre-pump components are energetically and thermally coordinated, guaranteeing you durable and reliable high-speed pump systems focused on optimal operation and energy efficiency. We also offer light-weight vacuum pump systems and canned motor blowers that generate negative pressure in one and two stages, meeting the highest speed and efficiency demands in industrial vacuum technology.

Contact us today to learn more about products for your specific vacuum technology needs. We are ready and available to help you choose the right high vacuum system, canned motor blower, or vacuum with pre-inlet cooling for your industrial and tech process services.

As a global leader in physical vacuum systems and services, we have already sold millions of vacuum devices to customers worldwide. You can’t go wrong with high-performance, low-maintenance, durable, cost-efficient, and energy-efficient vacuum technology backed by access to world-class global research, sales, and customer services from AERZEN.