man in blue with helmet

Integrated Industry - Smart Management of your Process Air

Intelligent networking with AERZEN solutions


Digitisation is a central feature of industrial development. The Hanover Fair, for example, will once again be operating under the slogan “Integrated Industry.” The solutions competence of AERZEN shows what the intelligent networking of man and machine in compressor technology can look like.

Scheme AERsmart
The innovative machine control system AERsmart is the most intelligent component in the AERZEN communication network.

The interaction of the control and monitoring components AERsmart, AERtronic and Webview from AERZEN is the special performance of the entire process design at the customer’s place of business.
AERtronic controls the process air supply. AERtronic‘s control system includes all common interfaces such as MODBUS RTU (standard), PROFIBUS DP, MODBUS Gateway between RTU and MODBUS TCP (Ethernet) and PROFINET©. The touchscreen navigation is intuitive and user-friendly. All operating data is archived and logged, thus facilitating reliable evaluation. Maintenance cycles can be planned and carried out in advance on the basis of operating hours. As a master version, the overall performance of the system can be improved via AERtronic. The utilisation of individual machines across the entire network can also be displayed more homogeneously. Energy savings of up to 15% can be achieved by switching compressors on and off according to consumption and demand.
As an innovative machine control system, AERsmart represents the most intelligent component in the communication network. With AERsmart, the required oxygen demand in the wastewater tank can be distributed to the machine park in such a way that low, medium and high loads are served as optimally as possible within the configuration of the plant. The respective load profiles are achieved precisely and efficiently. The result: clever load distribution thanks to smart controlled combination operation and energy saving of up to 15%.WebView is the central control element for transparency in machine park management. The module can be easily integrated into the control panel via plug-and-play and offers access to relevant data and information from anywhere in the world. Once connected to the system, WebView can be used to retrieve all process data via a PC, smart phone or tablet. Whether implemented locally or globally, this is a key building block for your Industry 4.0 solution.

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