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Aerzen Rental: Pasta production article


Recently, Aerzen Rental received a phone call late on a Friday from a pasta processing plant in the Midwest that had an air-end failure of an Aerzen VML25R compressor. The machine was being used to convey Gluten-free raw material. A new stage was ordered; however, availability was limited, with a 2-3-month lead time. Without the machine being operational, plant production would have had to halt the following Tuesday.

Rental Solution for Pasta production
Temporary air connected to the pasta plant’s system, 48 hours after contacting Aerzen Rental.

The Aerzen Midwest team referred the plant to Aerzen Rental, and by Monday morning the pasta plant had a CVO18 Rental compressor on-site, installed and in operation.
The pasta plant maintenance manager submitted the signed contract on Friday afternoon and stated, “Now I can enjoy my weekend knowing we don’t have to shut down on Tuesday.”

A successful rental project is rewarded with several cases of pasta tucked into the machine’s enclosure for the Aerzen Rental team.

Since remote monitoring is installed in all the Aerzen Rental packages, the Rental Manager was able to monitor the operating pressures for the process. It was discovered that the process required a far lower pressure than the original air-end design.

Using this feedback, the Aerzen Midwest team was able to procure a more readily available stage with a different compression ratio that could satisfy the process needs. The new air-end arrived months before the initially quoted unit. The plant installed the stage, tested it and successfully ran their process. The plant was able to return the rental machine much earlier than they had anticipated.

At the end of the project, the customer was so happy with the overall level of service from Aerzen, that they packed the rental machine’s enclosure full of pasta and returned it to our team at Aerzen Rental in Atlanta.

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