man in blue with helmet

AERZEN is certified by DNV-GL


AERZEN blower and compressor packages were certified for marine applications by the DVN-GL, one of the worldwide leading classification societies for the marine industry. Product applications, materials, drawings, strength calculations and performance records of the packaged units were checked and certified to be safe for marine applications according to the rules of the DNV-GL.

AERZEN blower and compressor packages are used on ships, FPSOS (Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit) and oil platforms for a variety of applications and ranges. The safety-related application in maritime or offshore surroundings explicitly requires the fulfilment of the standards of the classification societies of ships, as e. g. DNV-GL or Lloyds Register.

The classification society DNV-GL sets standards for ships and offshore units, the so-called class rules. These rules include standards for safety, reliability and environmental requirements which ships and mobile offshore units have to comply with in international waters. The packaged unit series Delta Blower, Delta Screw and Delta Hybrid are being certified and they will be available for all process air applications on ships in future. Individual acceptance tests are no longer necessary so that the customer will significantly save cost and time. Furthermore, the DNV and LR series certificates will emphasise the high demand for quality and safety of AERZEN compressors. This includes the absorption-material-free pulsation discharge silencer, the explosion protection according to ATEX directive 137 (1999/9/29 EG) as well as the oil-free operation class 0 as per ISO standard 8573. Further certificates will be provided on customer’s request.


Industrial plants all over the world are provided with gaseous media using AERZEN blowers and compressors. The innovative AERZEN machine technology represents experience of more than 150 years company history. The range of products includes rotary lobe compressors, positive displacement blowers, turbo blowers, screw compressors and gas meters. AERZEN blowers, compressors and gas meters are tested and certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. There is a variety of product offerings from standard products to customised solutions.

In addition, the After Sales Service of Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH offers the complete range of services - from the full maintenance contract to repairs and upgrade of existing plants.

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