Waterstof als onderdeel van de oplossing om Carbon Footprint te verlagen 30/11/2021 Waterstof – De groei van het aantal projecten waar waterstof onderdeel van de oplossing is om de Carbon Footprint te verlagen zitten in de lift. Gas comprimeren in zo’n oplossingen? Daar komen wij aan te pas! Waterstofcompressoren zijn onderdeel van onze Procesgasoplossingen. Extra technische details met betrekking tot drukken, debieten etc. zijn terug te vinden in onze brochure AERZEN Procesgasoplossingen. Bij verdere vragen helpen wij u graag persoonlijk verder. DownloadsWhite paperHydrogen CompressionWhite_Paper_Hydrogen_Compression_EN-V1.pdfAERZEN ProcesgasoplossingenA1-008-03_EN__1_.pdf
21/04/2020 - Food Safety: AERZEN has the ISO 22000 AERZEN has the ISO 22000. The certificate is valid for all blowers, screw blowers and compressors built by the traditional company AERZEN at its headquarters in Lower Saxony. The management system for food safety unifies the standards landscape at international level. AERZEN is one of the first... lees meer
06/01/2020 - Foundation of the AERZEN Deutschland sales and service company AERZEN founded the sales and service company AERZEN Deutschland on January 1, 2020 with the target of further centralising business development in Germany. Individual service and expansion of customer proximity are only some of the topics that AERZEN would like to deepen in the future with this... lees meer
02/09/2019 - Aerzen Turbo G5 plus! With the new generation Aerzen Turbo G5plus, AERZEN has designed the most compact and efficient turbo machine in its class. With the two new models AT75 and AT100, available immediately, the Aerzen Turbo G5plus portfolio has now been extended by another five to 13 sizes. lees meer