31/05/2020 - AERprogress - Added value through digitisation! The future is digital - this also applies to compressor and blower technology. Data-based services open up new opportunities for operators of process and compressed air packages across all industries to design processes in a resource saving, energy efficient manner. AERZEN is committed to digital... 瞭解更多
14/05/2020 - Digital control technology for blowers and compressors Everyone is talking about digitalisation, automation and Industry 4.0. Integrating digital applications in the control of blowers and compressors also offers great potential for increasing machine availability, reliability and information transparency in the higher-level control system of the... 瞭解更多
21/04/2020 - Conservation of resources through efficient solutions from AERZEN According to the Federal Environment Agency, all sewage treatment plants in Germany have a combined annual electricity requirement of around 4,400 gigawatt hours This corresponds to the annual output of a modern coal-fired power plant. The ventilation of the aeration tank is a particular focus,... 瞭解更多