Waterstof als onderdeel van de oplossing om Carbon Footprint te verlagen 30/11/2021 Waterstof – De groei van het aantal projecten waar waterstof onderdeel van de oplossing is om de Carbon Footprint te verlagen zitten in de lift. Gas comprimeren in zo’n oplossingen? Daar komen wij aan te pas! Waterstofcompressoren zijn onderdeel van onze Procesgasoplossingen. Extra technische details met betrekking tot drukken, debieten etc. zijn terug te vinden in onze brochure AERZEN Procesgasoplossingen. Bij verdere vragen helpen wij u graag persoonlijk verder. Downloads
20/10/2020 - Process air mobile. Simply rent plug & play compressed air. Whether as an interim solution in an emergency or for planned maintenance work. The rental of oil-free compressed or process air offers operators of blower stations a welcome and helpful addition to the previous machinery. AERZEN Rental has been offering a comprehensive range of rental machines and... citiți mai multe
02/10/2020 - AERZEN rotary lobe compressors optimised and extended with new sizes. In pneumatic applications or in municipal and industrial waste water treatment, the generation of process air is very energy-intensive. When operators use the right compressor for their process, they save energy. The extensive Delta Hybrid rotary lobe compressor series has therefore been further... citiți mai multe
02/10/2020 - Product expansion for Delta Blower Positive Displacement Blowers Aerzener Maschinenfabrik’s extensive assembly series has been expanded to cover intake volume flows of 6300 m3/h. This enables AERZEN, one of the global market leaders in blower technology, to offer its customers even more finely graded blower sizes. Individual requirements for process air... citiți mai multe