Powerful, efficient and designed for continuous operation: the oil-injected VMX Premium air ends from AERZEN have a proven track record for reliability in tough situations – regardless of local conditions. They can be used for both stationary and mobile air compressors and for temperatures between -10 and +45 °C. And with 10 power levels, they are sure to become your first choice when it comes to configuring high-quality air compressors.
Screw compressors from Aerzen mean first-class workmanship and high-quality industrial materials. They also stand for extraordinary durability. Decisive factors when it comes to operating, maintenance and life-cycle costs. The rotors in the VMX air ends are practically contact-free for optimal efficiency, wear parts are kept to a minimum and there aren’t any intake/exhaust valves at all that would need maintenance. This means ideal maintenance conditions and a very long service life: you can hold off on that general inspection for a good 20,000 OH.
Depuis 1943, AERZEN conçoit et fabrique des compresseurs à vis. La gamme d’applications va de gros compresseurs de gaz process pour l’industrie chimique à des étages plus petits à injection d’huile, pour des applications industrielles standard.
Sur la base de nos vastes compétences techniques, de notre personnel expérimenté et du dialogue actif constant avec les clients, nous offrons à nos clients des produits et des solutions toujours innovants.
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