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¡Aerzen Turbo G5 plus!

¡Aerzen Turbo G5 plus!


Con la nueva generación Aerzen Turbo G5plus, AERZEN ha diseñado la turbo más compacta y eficiente de su clase. Con los dos nuevos modelos AT75 y AT100, disponibles de inmediato, la cartera Aerzen Turbo G5plus ahora se ha  ampliado por otros cinco a 13 tamaños.

New models AT75 and AT100 are now available

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.


All advantages at a glance:

  • Increase of energy efficiency by up to 10% compared to conventional turbo technology.
  • Extended bearing life thanks to innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating, maximum reliability even under extreme operating conditions.
  • 100% oil-free.
  • Lowest maintenance effort, only regular filter change.
  • Extended fields of application at ambient temperatures up to 50°C.
  • Active surge protection by means of automatic speed increase.
  • Space-saving design.

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              Disponibles los nuevos modelos AT75 y AT100

              La Turbo G5plus Aerzen ya está disponible para caudales desde 300 m³/h a 8,400 m³/h, con una presión máxima de 1,000 bar. La clasificación de tamaños de soplantes varía desde el pequeño AT 25-0.8 G5plus hasta el modelo más grande AT 200-1.0 G5plus. La serie Aerzen Turbo G5plus hace honor a su nombre, ya que convence a través de numerosas ventajas. Las cinco nuevas máquinas turbo tienen un diseño extremadamente compacto y requieren muy poco espacio.

              Otras características superiores son los rodamientos de lámina innovadores de aire AERZEN con doble recubrimiento y la nueva tecnología de convertidor de frecuencia multinivel, que reduce la pérdida de calor en el motor al mínimo y, en consecuencia, mejora significativamente la eficiencia total.

              Otra ventaja es que ya no es necesario un acelerador de motor adicional o un filtro senoidal, para usar con convertidores de frecuencia convencionales. Los nuevos rodamientos de lámina de aire representan un desarrollo decisivo adicional gracias al doble recubrimiento, que consiste en teflón y grafito. Sorprende con una mayor resistencia a la temperatura y una mayor vida útil con más de 80,000 horas de funcionamiento, independientemente de los ciclos de inicio y parada.

              The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

              Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

              Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

              The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

              Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

              Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

              The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

              Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

              Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

              Todas las ventajas de un vistazo:

              • Aumento de la eficiencia energética hasta un 10% en comparación con la tecnología turbo convencional.
              • Mayor vida útil de los rodamientos gracias a los novedosos rodamientos de lámina de aire AERZEN con doble recubrimiento, máxima fiabilidad incluso en condiciones de funcionamiento extremas. 
              • 100% exento de aceite.
              • Mínimo esfuerzo de mantenimiento, solo cambios de filtro regularmente.
              • Campos de aplicación ampliados para temperaturas de ambiente de hasta 50°C.
              • Protección activa contra sobretensiones mediante aumento automático de velocidad
              • Diseño inteligente que ahorra espacio

              Press release

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