man in blue with helmet

Edition 01/2017

Nuestra revista de clientes de AERZEN «AERZEN» le ofrece periódicamente información detallada sobre nuestra empresa, nuestros productos y nuestras soluciones para aplicaciones.


Out with everything that doesn‘t fit in

Vacuum is required so that steel – high-grade chromium steel inparticular – achieves the desired quality. This requires the liquid steel, after the blast furnace in secondary metallurgy, to reside in pressure chambers to allow gases such as oxygen or carbon monoxide dissolved in the melt to bubble...

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Simple and effective: Air as a bearing

Because the air supply to modern wastewater treatment plants is designed for maximum availability, high energy efficiency and long maintenance cycles, AERZEN uses neither oil nor any other lubricant for the motor shaft bearing within the turbo blower – AERZEN simply uses air.

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Integrated solution on the road to Water 4.0

Water 4.0 is becoming increasingly important in German wastewater technology. The AERwater concept considers the requirements for digitalisation,automation and resource efficiency as an integrated solution.

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