Aerzen Canada Open House Event 2019 09/04/2019 Aerzen Canada is in a growth and expansion mode. The company celebrated the opening of a brand new, 26,000 square foot building with office space and a production facility. The event was held on March 19th and was attended by employees, customers, vendors and members of the national sales teams. Paul Birdi, Aerzen Canada’s Company President commented, “Aerzen Canada was founded in 1987 with three employees. Since then we have grown steadily to the point where we have outgrown our facility. This new building provides our customers with more capacity, higher quality and even better support with new processes, tools, and technology.” The guests were welcomed with speeches to commemorate the new building and congratulate the employees on achieving growth and success.Aerzen Canada staff and management in the new production facility. Featured speakers, Paul Birdi, President of Aerzen Canada and Friedrich Harten, Vice President of the Americas.During the speech, Friedrich Harten unveiled a gift from Klaus-Hasso Heller, CEO of Aerzen Germany. The gift is an aerial view of the company headquarters in Aerzen, Germany with a message of: “Aerzen Blowers And Compressors Of Canada Inc. – Congratulations for over 30 years of successful business in North America. Best wishes for your future in the new building!” The picture was featured in the common area of the office for employees and guests to enjoy.The guests were invited to lunch and tours the new facility, complete with demonstrations and Lean initiative explanations for various areas of the production center. Later in the afternoon, the families of the employees were invited to take part in the festivities and see the new facility. The new building features include a spacious lobby and reception area for guests and visitors. A large conference room named after the company’s founder, Alaric Haerens. Several glass-walled offices and a complete cubicle section provide a comfortable place for employees to work. The cafeteria offers plenty of natural light and amenities for lunches and events.Pictures of the new facility:The new facility features a modern and comfortable work environment. Blower production cell Lean “Supermarket” for parts and inventory. Repair center Aerzen Canada Fast Facts:Founded: 1987Number of Employees: 20Total Square Feet: 26,000 - Office: 5,000 - Manufacturing: 21,000 AERZEN BLOWERS and COMPRESSORS of CANADA INC. 980 Rue Valois, Suite 100Vaudreuil-Dorion, QuébecCanada J7V 8P2 T +1 450 424 3966F +1 450 424 Media Inquiries Contact: Paul Birdi –
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