Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos

Equipamentos robustos para uma utilização prolongada.

A AERZEN disponibiliza uma grande variedade de produtos no setor da tecnologia de compressão, provavelmente a maior variedade que encontrará. As máquinas altamente desenvolvidas estão disponíveis numa vasta gama de designs, tamanhos e modelos especiais, transportam desde ar, oxigénio, gases neutros, agressivos ou tóxicos; com fluxo vertical ou horizontal; em modos de vácuo, ou pressão. Podem ser utilizadas em qualquer lugar do mundo em que seja necessário transportar e comprimir gás, e em qualquer lugar em que a fiabilidade, a eficiência energética e o fornecimento isento de óleo sejam fatores decisivos.

São experimentadas e testadas - e mais inovadoras do que nunca.

A AERZEN fabricou o primeiro sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos da Europa. Foi em 1868. Hoje em dia, estes blocos e agregados encontram-se entre os compressores mais bem-sucedidos de todos os tempos. Fabricamos produtos padrão altamente desenvolvidos para as mais diferentes aplicações, utilizados em todos os setores da indústria. As nossas máquinas garantem um elevado desempenho, são económicas e resistentes.

O design tipo Roots criou as bases para o desenvolvimento dos sobrepressores de êmbolos rotativos AERZEN, algo positivo que fizemos. Mesmo agora, 150 anos depois, continua a ser um dos nossos projetos de construção de maior sucesso. Atualmente os sobrepressores de êmbolos rotativos de veio duplo da AERZEN para transporte isento de óleo são mais inovadores do que nunca. Os diversos desenvolvimentos ao nível da construção garantem valores de primeira categoria em termos de eficiência. A tecnologia patenteada da AERZEN, como a redução integrada da pulsação, garante baixas emissões de ruídos e de vibrações. Também característico dos sobrepressores AERZEN é a simplicidade de assistência e a redução a longo prazo nos custos do ciclo de vida. E a lista de detalhes inovadores continua. Mas, o que é mais importante em termospráticos no dia a dia?
A qualidade duradoura dos nossos sobrepressores. É o que torna a marca AERZEN reconhecida.

Sobrepressores DELTA BLOWER Geração 5

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
Sobrepressão , Vácuo
30 a 15.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros
sem óleo

Sobrepressor grande Alpha Blower AERZEN

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
9.600 a 77.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros
sem óleo

Blocos de sobrepressores de êmbolos rotativos

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
30 a 65.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros , toxic , combustible , mixed , corrosive , explosive
sem óleo

Sobrepressores do gás de processo série GR

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
100 a 50.000 m3/h
gases neutros , oxygen , corrosive , combustible , mixed
sem óleo

Sobrepressores do gás de processo série GQ

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
15.000 a 100.000 m3/h
toxic , gases internos , combustible , corrosive , mixed
sem óleo

Sobrepressores de vácuo elevado

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
60 a 6.000 m3/h
gases de processo
sem óleo

Sobrepressor em vácuo elevado - série HV

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
180 a 97.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros , oxygen , toxic , combustible , explosive , corrosive , mixed
sem óleo

Sobrepressor de veículo cisterna

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
600 a 2.250 m3/h
ar , gases neutros
sem óleo

Bloco de vácuo com refrigeração por pré-admissão

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
60 a 45.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros , oxygen , toxic , combustible , explosive , corrosive , mixed
sem óleo

Agregado de biogás - Delta Blower GM 3S ... 50L

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
30 a 2.700 m3/h
aterro e biogás , natural , town
sem óleo

Sobrepressores de motor blindado

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
406 a 15.570 m3/h
ar , gases neutros , toxic
sem óleo

VÁCUO com refrigeração de pré-admissão

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
250 a 61.000 m3/h
ar , gases neutros , combustible , toxic , explosive , corrosive , mixed , oxygen
sem óleo

Booster de pressão baixa, série GMd

Tipo de construção
Sobrepressor de êmbolos rotativos
60 a 14.000 m3/h
inert , toxic , combustible , mixed
sem óleo

Positive displacement blower by AERZEN

top-class technology by the market leader

AERZEN is one of the most well-established and innovative manufacturers of technologies for the compression of air and gases. It was 150 years ago back in 1868 that the company produced the first positive displacement blower in Europe. Known as the Roots type blower, it was the forerunner for the further development of compressors on the continent. Since then, the company has consistently refined its compressor and vacuum technology and continuously optimised the efficiency of its products. Today the family-run company is a world market leader in the field of compressed air and vacuum production. AERZEN It is a provider of highly-efficient series products as well as individual customer-specific solutions for air and gas compression and vacuum applications.

In addition to screw compressors, rotary lobe compressors and turbo blowers, positive displacement blowers are among the most important product groups. The product range in the area of positive displacement blowers is also wide-ranging. AERZEN The company supplies blowers for air and inert gases but also process gas blowers, high-pressure blowers, vacuum blowers, vacuum pumps and biogas blowers

Positive displacement blowers are ideal as standalone solutions or as a group of machines for continuous operation – they are the robust endurance runners in the field of air and gas conveyance. 


The company’s compressors and blowers have their uses in a wide range of industries. The main field of application for blowers and compressors is in the treatment of water and wastewater. The compressors and blowers are used for aerating aeration tanks in wastewater treatment plants, either individually or as a group of machines. By nature, this process is very energy-efficient and therefore also cost-efficient. As an application specialist, AERZEN has developed very efficient and resource-saving solutions for this area with the aid of intelligent control systems, a combination of various air compressor technologies and opportunities for heat recovery.

Blowers are also used in pneumatic conveying, chemical and process engineering, pressure and vacuum technology, and the process gas and refrigeration industry. Because of the range of sizes, types of construction and special equipment, positive displacement blowers can be implemented extremely flexibly. The machines can be fitted either vertically or horizontally. There is also a lot of flexibility when it comes to the conveyed media: the range of applications stretches from air and oxygen to inert, corrosive or toxic gases.

ROOTS technology

Blower engineering is based on the Roots principle. The term “Roots” blower dates back to the American inventors Philander and Francis Roots, who had the Roots blower patented in 1860. Roots technology involves three-lobe rotary pistons circling in a cylindrical housing, thus transporting the gaseous medium from the suction side to the discharge side. The compression of the medium is created by backflow of the accelerated gases on the discharge side. This generates a differential pressure of up to 1000 mbar.

“Blower power made by AERZEN”

The company’ positive displacement blowers are efficient, long-lasting, robust and are used around the world. There is a reason behind the proverbial reliability of the machines: AERZEN manufactures all key components in house, from the assembly through to the control system and, in so doing, the family-run company places value on quality and sustainability. Only high quality materials are used for the production. Development, production, sales, assembly and maintenance of the company's products as well as the quality management system have gained multiple certifications.

The most innovative products in blower technology include the Delta Bower Generation 5

The name Generation 5 refers to the many technical innovations which this product embodies. One of these is the large volume range. The advanced blower for the handling of air and inert gases generates a volume of 30 to 15,000 m3/h. The positive displacement blower is available in all standard sizes, can be modified to customer specifications, therefore allowing flexible implementation. Furthermore, the series features high efficiency, low maintenance costs, reduced life cycle costs, compactness and simple handling.

100% pure process air

Another selling point is the generation of TÜV-certified oil-free process gas. This specifically plays a major role in industry sectors such as food processing, in which the blowers are used e.g. for pneumatic conveying or aeration of bulk goods such as flour or other powdery foods.

Silencers free from absorbing material

In this sector, there is another important feature of the Generation 5 Delta Blower type machines: they provide innovative sound protection with reactive silencers. Conventional silencers are equipped with sound proofing which over time become tired and worn by the sound wave energy. This wear puts the process air at risk of soiling by the absorbing material. The innovative reactive silencer by AERZEN is free of absorbents and only silences the sound by diverting the air – this feature makes this type of machine particularly suitable for use in the food and chemical industry. The patented sound protection technology also has other advantages: the purity of the medium prevents soiling in the machine. Pressure losses which arise in all compressed air applications remain constant throughout its lifetime. It avoids an increase in pressure losses through deposits in the machine, and reduces cleaning and maintenance costs.

The base supports for the blowers are also certified as spark arresters for ATEX applications. 

Made quieter with integrated pulsation reduction

An innovation specially developed for the Delta Blower is represented by the patented process of pulsation reduction, which is integrated into the step itself. Two channels cast into the cylinder allow the reversing the medium into the conveying chamber to be controlled in such a way as to avoid return and squeezing pulses. This already minimises sound in the blower step and increases the lifetime of the bearings. This technology is integrated into all sizes of the Delta Blower.

Intelligent design – easy handling

The latest generation of positive displacement blowers also score with their overall design: they feature a compact construction form and only require one small assembly space. This allows machine rooms to be built with smaller dimensions. The compact design allows transportation with a fork lift truck or elevating platform. Flexible machine mounts isolate the impact sound, thus contributing to quieter operation. The design also enables user-friendly access to the front. For example, the oil level can be read from the outside while the machine is running, and the wearing parts such as the oil filter can be checked simply and quickly.

The extremely robust design makes it possible to use the blower for continuous operation even under difficult environmental conditions. Delta Blower type positive displacement blowers are suitable for use in all climates – with corresponding modifications, even in earthquake zones – or for installation on ships or for other mobile applications.

Modifications and service

AERZEN produces high quality standard products, but also offers a wide range of customer-specific modifications. Depending on the customer's wishes, the application of special motors, special coatings or ATEX versions are possible. If the assembly requires installation in the desert, it can be specially equipped with a sand collector. Special robust acoustic hoods are available for increased wind loads in earthquake or hurricane-prone regions. If required, components can be built in special construction materials for the application of special gases. Customer-specific extended documentation is also possible.

The company is a global player and offers excellent service: With more than 45 subsidiaries, country agents and more than 2,000 employees, it is present around the globe. The service which the company provides for its customers all over the globe is also present and close by. The close-nit sales and company network guarantees reliable availability of AERZEN machines and service provision – local support is possible throughout the life cycle of a plant. The company offers its customers an extensive range of services that goes beyond replacement parts and repairs. In addition to professional commissioning of new plants, AERZEN also offers on-site training sessions, machine monitoring and machine inspections. Also available are individual service and maintenance contracts, attractive plug & play solutions, which are supplied as fully configured, parametrised and installation-ready machines together with an integrated service package.