AERZEN process gas compressors are installed as single or multiple stage units in chemical, petrochemical, raw material and energy producing plants and in many other production centres of the processing industry all over the world.
The unit is ideally suited for dry compression of all gases, which occur in chemical and petrochemical industries. Within the compression chambers there is no metallic contact among both rotors as well as to the casing. Thanks to synchronising gears the rotors run without contact to each other. Therefore, the conveying chambers remain unlubricated and the conveyed medium will not be contaminated.
The maximum (1350 mm) and the minimum rotor length (155 mm) give an impression of the entire breadth of the offer. For the adjustment to the different process gases, rotors made of steel or special steel and casing of nodular cast iron, steel- or special steel casting can be applied.
Technical Data: Suction volume flow up to: 75.000 m³/h, pressure range: -900mbar g to 52,0 bar g
The screw compressors are individually designed to fulfil widely differing requirements. The AERZEN process gas screw compressor uses the standard VRa-unit for the compressor block with specified ancillary accessories assembled together to form a well conceived package unit to suit each application. Construction requirements and specifications laid down by the various industrial organizations and inspection authorities such as API or national standards will be considered according to the customer‘s demands.
Non solo nell'industria chimica, ma anche in altri settori, i compressori a vite per gas di processo AERZEN vengono applicati in impianti pneumatici, impianti di refrigerazione industriale, impianti di evaporazione, miniera e stabilimenti siderurgici. È possibile comprimere quasi ogni tipo di gas, tra cui ammoniaca, argon, etilene, acetilene, butadiene, gas cloridrico, gas naturale, gas bruciato in fiaccola, gas di altoforno, gas di palude, elio, gas di forni da calce, gas dei forni per la produzione del coke (Coke oven), monossido di carbonio, tutte le combinazioni di idrocarburi, metano, propano, propilene, gas di combustione, gas grezzo, biossido di zolfo, monossido di azoto, azoto, stirene, vinilcloruro e idrogeno.
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