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Edition 01/2017

Article and compact news

La nostra rivista clienti "AERZEN” ti fornisce periodicamente informazioni dettagliate sull'azienda, sui nostri prodotti e sulle nostre soluzioni applicative.


Integrated solution on the road to Water 4.0


Water 4.0 is becoming increasingly important in German wastewater technology. The AERwater concept considers the requirements for digitalisation,automation and resource efficiency as an integrated solution.

Interlinking, resource optimisation for energy, time, personnel and investments, increasing process and system awareness along with plannable service – all aspects which justify Water 4.0.
Another factor driving the topic of digitalisation is the so-called Z Generation, which has grown alongside the internet and which will be released in the working world in the next five years. Consequently, Water 4.0 by analogy with Industry 4.0 is receiving an additional thrust for „Networking of machines, processes, storage systems and operating equipment”.
In addition to energy check, energy analysis, energy optimisation, energy management and service monitoring are also included in the AERwater concept from AERZEN. In four steps to Water 4.0:

Energy check

monitoring report
In the monitoring report Wirtschaft
Digital 2016, 94 percent of companies in the energy and water supply sector consider
the digitalisation process to be very important.

When the process-relevant data of a blower station is logged, the really driven volume flow is not always transparent. Combined with pressure and temperature recording, these are however the key data required to determine an annual characteristic curve of an activation tank with respect to air requirement and energy efficiency.
AERaudit, developed specially by AERZEN, offers a solution: A measuring case system consisting of a volumetric flow sensor suitable for forced compressors allows the actual volumetric flow measurement to be taken in-situ and also displays the power requirement. The corresponding working pressures and operating temperatures are likewise documented. Often, the data logging process reveals that the machines being used are dimensioned too large and run in energetically unfavourable operating points. The blower technology employed is also often outdated.

Energy analysis

The goal now, using evaluation technology and based on the frequency of the load profiles run, is to find the energetically most efficient machine combination. With Performance³ – positive displacement blowers, Delta Hybrid and turbo machines – AERZEN offers all three machine technologies from a single source. But not all three actually need to be used. Instead, the best option in terms of energy efficiency must be selected from all the available variants for each individual application. Aspects such as dimensions and noise development of the machines can also be integrated into the concept.
Our newly developed calculation program AERselect offers the option of calculating room ventilation adequately dimensioned for the machines. A host of other features such as displaying the energyoptimisation, preventing pipework losses, heat recovery, reducing noise development, CO2 reduction, life cycle costand ROI calculation, all help implement the integrated approach to resource optimisation in the best possible way.
If the new machine concept and a clean analysis for energy optimisation and reducing CO2 emissions are available, state funding can be requested. Depending on the German state, up to 50 percent of the concept funding and up to 90 percent of the investment funding is subsidised.

Energy optimisation

The primary aim is to achieve the best possible energy efficiency for the specific application. Blanket statements on a possible energy saving are not possible without knowledge of the reference parameters. First, we have to understand and analyse the individual and often complex operating processes of a blower station. Only then specific and reliable statements can be made. Only then can the oxygen requirement for every load case be met with the most efficient machine.
Through the Perfomance³ concept in conjunction with the newly developed design tools, AERZEN is able to deliver a customised compressor station from a single source.

Energy and service management

The reliable data logging of the newly developed AERsmart control system also permits energy analyses of the machines currently running. So, the current actual value can be evaluated and compared for a longer period of time. If required, measures for energy optimisation can be introduced. And so the output values of the compressor station recommended in DWA Regulation A 216 are available at the push of a button.
AERsmart optimally distributes the required air quantity in all load cases across the individual efficiencies of the installed machine combination and can be connected to higher-level control systems. As a result, the installed machinery is operated as close to the theoretically highest efficiency as possible. The result is an energy saving of up to 15 per cent. Another benefit: Blowers from other manufacturers can also be integrated into the control system. Engineering consultants, equipmentmanufacturers and operators receive an integrated concept from a single source to be able to visualise, communicate andoptimise process relevant machine data and ultimately manage the best possible energy concept. Service Monitoring can also be replicated in this control system concept in the future. Service intervals are visible at any time. So, spare and wear parts or essential service work can be requested and ordered directly in the AERZEN service centre.

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