AERZEN expands its general turbo program. Highest energy efficiency with smallest footprint. 29/06/2021 The Aerzen Turbo G5plus series is one of the most compact and efficient turbos in its class. The new AT 60 size brings with it numerous innovations. In addition to increased system pressure, the new turbo also scores with an extended control range and an efficiency increase of up to 10%. The powerful turbo blowers of the Aerzen Turbo series are especially suitable for applications in municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants and now, with 19 different models available, cover a volume flow range from 300 m³/h up to 16,200 m³/h and system pressures up to 1,000 mbar. The latest edition to the turbo series, Aerzen Turbo AT 60-0.9S, is designed for volume flows from 900 - 2640m3/h and assembly capacities up to 50 kW. Thanks to a completely new motor design, the maximum differential pressure has also been optimised to 900 mbar. The development team was able to achieve significant increases in efficiency. Improved energy efficiency has been made possible through an aerodynamic redesign of the turbo impeller and the spiral housing. Complex CFD analyses formed the basis for this. For a turbomachine of this size, the new Turbo AT 60 also has a very high control range of 35 - 100 % and a constantly high overall efficiency over the entire control range thanks to the AERZEN permanent magnet motor, which already meets the future requirements of the IE5 classification. The dimensions of the revised power assembly are also impressive. The footprint of less than 1m² facilitates transport through the narrowest of door openings. The footprint of the assembly alone takes up approximately 60% less space. Like all other models, the AT 60 features the innovative AERZEN air bearing with double coating for extended bearing life and the new multilevel frequency inverter technology for extended applications. All the advantages at a glance: Increased energy efficiency of up to 10%; highest possible efficiency up to 44m³/miFootprint < 1 m² Extended control range of 35-100% and constantly high overall efficiency - Extended bearing life, thanks to innovative AERZEN air bearing with double coating, up to 80,000 operating hours independent of start-stop cycles, highest reliability even under extreme operating conditions and pressure fluctuations Low noise operation of 72-73 dB(A) • Lowest maintenance effort, with only regular filter change required Extended application possibilities at ambient temperatures up to 50°C Active pump protection by means of automatic speed increase • Comfortable turbo control 100% oil-free Plug & Play solution through integrated control and power cabinet Press ReleaseAERZEN expands its general turbo program. Highest energy efficiency with smallest footprint.AerzenTurbo_EN.pdfImage (Print Quality)Aerzen Turbo G5plus
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