AERaudit muestra el potencial de ahorro en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales Produce con eficiencia energética mejorada y se mantiene competitivo para AERZEN 07/05/2018 Load operation in wastewater treatment plants is subject to considerable fluctuations. Collection and subsequent evaluation of the operating data from a blower station with the high-precision methods of AERaudit delivers actionable results on the current utilisation and efficiency, and informs how it can be designed to run much more efficiently in the future. AERaudit muestra de forma transparente los potenciales de ahorro de las depuradoras Con AERaudit, AERZEN determina la demanda de carga exacta de las depuradoras. AERaudit es un servicio innovador desarrollado exclusivamente por AERZEN para mejorar la eficiencia energética de las depuradoras. Los municipios en particular dependen de los ahorros, ya que las depuradoras son los mayores consumidores de energía. Entre un 60 y un 80 % de la demanda global de energía de una depuradora se produce en el ámbito de la aireación biológica. Como especialista en análisis, AERZEN es socio competente para comprobar y analizar la energía de forma pertinente con el fin de optimizar energéticamente las estaciones soplantes. La base para que una depuradora funcione con eficiencia en materia de energía y procesos es analizar la situación y evaluar los datos de servicio actuales. En este sentido, la demanda de carga real debe registrarse y a continuación se muestran los potenciales de ahorro. En tres pasos, AERaudit permite determinar la configuración más rentable y orientada al futuro de las instalaciones. El servicio AERaudit es un componente de Agua 4.0, una innovadora orientación hacia procesos en la gestión del agua. Como uno de los líderes del mercado en técnica de aguas residuales, AERZEN acompaña a sus clientes en el camino hacia el agua 4.0 con el concepto global AERwater, que engloba soluciones de digitalización, automatización y eficiencia de recursos. A este respecto, AERaudit facilita la base de datos. Three steps to transparency1. On-site measurement: the AERZEN service team brings transparency to the key figures of your blower station. A mobile measuring station records the relevant data in your ventilation system. Volume flow, system pressure, temperature and kW output are measured live and recorded in the form of load profiles. 2. Analysis: evaluation of the recorded data is carried out carefully and in detail at AERZEN headquarters – every low and peak load, no matter how small, is registered. Based on the results, AERZEN experts then develop one or more solutions tailored to customer requirements that are as efficient as possible. 3. Report: all data of your blower station is displayed in detail and transparently. Temperatures, load profiles and energy consumption are visualised and explained in detail in the form of diagrams. We will also show you your customised Performance3 solution with the ideal machine configuration. In addition, what the saving potential of energy or CO2 is and which amortisation times can be achieved. Contact person: Markus Leidinger, Application SpecialistWastewater Technologymobile: +49 175 9335602e-mail:
10/11/2021 - Blower and compressor technology installed in slim ISO container Blower technology in containers has the potential to make process air supply noticeably leaner, more flexible and easier. AERZEN has already gained many years of experience in this field from its own rental business and is now using this know-how for a new solution. The idea: compressed air from the... leer más
11/10/2021 - The new AERsmart: also for varying pressure. AERsmart: the name stands for a composite control system that has set out to effectively improve the energy efficiency of oxygen supply in aeration tanks, especially in wastewater technology. AERZEN has now further developed the solution. The control system for the composite operation of different... leer más
29/06/2021 - AERZEN expands its general turbo program. Highest energy efficiency with smallest footprint. The Aerzen Turbo G5plus series is one of the most compact and efficient turbos in its class. The new AT 60 size brings with it numerous innovations. In addition to increased system pressure, the new turbo also scores with an extended control range and an efficiency increase of up to 10%. leer más