Til enkelt- eller flertrinnede konfigurationer. Afhængig af kravene lever AERZENs procesgasskruekompressorer op til alle specifikationerne inden for mange forskellige industrielle sektorer og klassifikationsorganer.
Our gas compression experts support energy and process technology plants with a wide range of premium-quality compressors.
Our team offers oil-injected and oil-free compressors that all effectively process gas to required discharge pressures. However, we know that not just any gas compressor system will work for you and your industry's demands, so we offer additional options to our clients.
● Type of Technology: Screw Compressors
● Volume Flow: 650 to 120,000 m3/h
● Medium: Air, Neutral Gases, Process Gases, Aggressive Gases
● Compression: Oil-Free
● Volume Flow: 233 to 29,000 m3/h
● Medium: Process Gases, Refrigerants
● Compression: Oil-Injected
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