man in blue with helmet

World Science Day: AERprogress


World Science Day: A day to celebrate the science that drives innovation at Aerzen.

Aerzen was founded as a family firm in 1864. Fast forward to 2020 and Aerzen is a global name in the rotating equipment industry. And we only continue to innovate.

In Belgium we provide solutions for wastewater treatment and much more, based on our high-end blower and compressor production in Germany.

In our fast-changing world, we increasingly demand a holistic approach to water treatment.

We no longer confine ourselves to the top three technologies (blowers, screw blowers and turbo blowers). We have taken our solutions to the next level. The result is our AERwater concept.

The AERwater concept allows us to deploy our machines in project-specific way, with opportunities to slash costs and maximise reliability.

One of the key components is Performance³, which we harness to identify and implement the optimal mix of blowers, screw blowers and turbos.

Want to get the best out of your machinery, while maintaining full control? You need Aerprogress: Machine Park Management, Energy Management and Condition Monitoring. Want to know how to optimise your installation?

As part of our AERaudit solution we conduct a thorough onsite analysis of your installation.

Be sure to contact us. LET’S TALK!

Weitere Pressemeldungen

AERZEN Servicenetz. Deutschlandweit perfekt vernetzt.

- AERZEN Servicenetz. Deutschlandweit perfekt vernetzt.

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