man in blue with helmet

Aerzen Turbo G5 plus!


Mit der neuen Generation Aerzen Turbo G5plus hat AERZEN den kompaktesten und effizientesten Turbo seiner Klasse entwickelt. Mit den beiden neuen, ab sofort verfügbaren Modellen AT75 und AT100 ist das Aerzen Turbo G5plus Portfolio nun um weitere fünf auf 13 Baugrößen erweitert und komplettiert worden.

New models AT75 and AT100 are now available

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.


All advantages at a glance:

  • Increase of energy efficiency by up to 10% compared to conventional turbo technology.
  • Extended bearing life thanks to innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating, maximum reliability even under extreme operating conditions.
  • 100% oil-free.
  • Lowest maintenance effort, only regular filter change.
  • Extended fields of application at ambient temperatures up to 50°C.
  • Active surge protection by means of automatic speed increase.
  • Space-saving design.

Neue Modelle AT75 und AT100 sind ab sofort verfügbar

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

The Aerzen Turbo G5plus is available in all flow rates from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h, and with a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. The current selection of blower sizes ranges from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus. The series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The five new turbo machines have an extremely compact design and require very little space.

Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly.

Another advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which has to be used with conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary. The new air foil bearings represent a further decisive development thanks to double coating, consisting of Teflon and graphite. It impresses with increased temperature resistance and an increased service life of > 80,000 operating hours, regardless of start and stop cycles.

AERZEN bietet die Baureihe Aerzen Turbo G5plus jetzt für Volumenströme von 300 m³/h bis 8.400 m³/h und für maximal 1.000 bar Druck lückenlos an. Die aktuelle Auswahl an Gebläsegrößen reicht vom kleinen AT 25-0.8 G5plus bis zum größten Modell AT 200-1.0 G5plus. Die Baureihe Aerzen Turbo G5plus macht ihrem Namen alle Ehre, denn sie besticht durch zahlreiche Pluspunkte. So verfügen auch die fünf neuen Turbo-Modelle über ein extrem kompaktes Design und kommen mit geringstem Platzbedarf aus.

Weitere herausragende Features sind die innovative AERZEN Luftlagerung mit Doppelbeschichtung und die neue Multi-level-Frequenzumrichtertechnologie, die die Wärme-verluste im Motor auf ein Minimum reduziert und damit den Gesamtwirkungsgrad entscheidend verbessert.

Ein weiterer Pluspunkt: Auf eine zusätzliche Motordrossel oder einen Sinusfilter, die bei herkömmlichen Frequenzumrichtern eingesetzt werden müssen, kann hierbei verzichtet werden. Ebenfalls entscheidend weiterentwickelt ist die neue Luftspaltlagerung mit Doppelbeschichtung, bestehend aus Teflon und Grafit. Sie überzeugt durch eine erhöhte Temperaturbeständigkeit und eine erhöhte Lebensdauer von > 80.000 Betriebsstunden unabhängig von Start- und Stoppzyklen.

Alle Vorteile auf einen Blick:

  • Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz um bis zu 10 % gegenüber konventioneller Turbotechnologie
  • Verlängerte Lagerlebensdauer dank innovativer AERZEN Luftlagerung mit Doppelbeschichtung, höchste Zuver-lässigkeit auch bei extremen Betriebsbedingungen
  • 100 Prozent ölfrei
  • Geringster Wartungsaufwand, nur regelmäßiger Filter-wechsel
  • Erweiterte Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei Umgebungs-temperaturen bis 50 °C
  • Aktiver Pumpschutz durch automatische Drehzahlerhöhung
  • Platzsparendes Design

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