I soffiatori AERZEN GM…dz con trasmissione diretta sono macchine altamente performanti. La forma costruttiva a singolo o doppio stadio, con lubrificazione separata ad olio in pressione per la compressione oil-free di aria, gas neutri e miscele di gas. Prodotti di tipo Roots altamente avanzati ed estremamente affidabili Disponibili in un’ampia gamma di materiali speciali e guarnizioni, tra cui l'acciaio inox, o come booster per acetilene secondo le norme TRAC.
Housing with circular flanges and o-ring seals, lube and purge oil supply by complete oil unit, oil chambers under gas pressure.
Conveying chamber by combined oil slinger piston ring labyrinth seals with condensate chamber between the piston rings or shaft seal ring - piston ring labyrinth seal.
The drive shaft is sealdes via compressed-oil-purged double-acting mechanical seal.
Vertical, from top to bottom.
Direct coupling with motor or via flexibly coupled spur gear.
AERZEN offers the process gas and coolant industries an incredibly broad spectrum of blower technologies – perhaps the broadest of any manufacturer. Machines that operate as stand-alones, in machine or container combinations, onshore and offshore. In every single key industrial application: