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Edition 02/15

Article and Compact News

Nuestra revista de clientes de AERZEN «AERZEN» le ofrece periódicamente información detallada sobre nuestra empresa, nuestros productos y nuestras soluciones para aplicaciones.


Tested quality

Certification measures at AERZEN

Thanks to various certification measures, AERZEN creates legal certainty, improves environmental and work safety, and makes products which are even more energy efficient.

Aerzen Turbo was successfully recertified as per ISO 9001.

Quality management, the enviroment, energy efficiency and work safety are key topics at AERZEN. Our customers gain many advantages from this focus. The adherence to binding standards leads to legal certainty. Particularly energy efficient products will be the result. Since February 2015, AERZEN has been certified as per Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001 and Energy Management Standard ISO 50001.

Create confidence

The environmental management certifi- cate creates confidence among public authorities and suppliers, as it certifies that AERZEN ensures the responsible handling of hazardous substances. Moreover, this certificate is often required for companies to be awarded public contracts.

 During the certification process as per ISO 50001, AERZEN completely changed the way its building was illuminated by installing LED lighting. The drives were changed to frequency converter control, saving energy and reducing costs. These savings then flow back into production procedures.

Thanks to this energy optimisation of the machines which are produced, our customers will benefit directly.

Right now, AERZEN is working on the introduction of an occupational safety management system as per OHSAS 18001. The corresponding audit for the (hoped for) award of the certificate is planned for January 2016. AERZEN will then become even more interesting for customers in the nuclear energy sector and the petrochemical industry, where the appropriate certification is often required.

Aerzen Turbo was recertified

Aerzen Turbo has again proved its quality standards: in May, the Korean subsidiary successfully passed an audit as per Quality Management Standard ISO 9001. Consequently, this certificate was extended to May 2018.

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