Aerzen USA Featured In The “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” Video Contest 18.03.2019 For the last four years, Aerzen USA has participated in the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest. This year students from the Avon Grove Charter school were invited to the facility to produce a video about Aerzen USA and then submit the video for judging. Watch the student video featuring Aerzen USAThe annual contests excite students across Pennsylvania to explore cool manufacturing careers and produce profiles of companies. Each contest features an online vote for its Viewers’ Choice Award. The winner of this award then automatically participates in the regional run-off award. The contest format also has been adopted in 11 additional states. The Chester Delaware contest is produced by the Manufacturing Alliance of Chester and Delaware Counties in Exton, PA.Aerzen USA employees and Avon Grove students at the booth during the event.Judges in each regional contest bestow a variety of awards, and each contest features an online vote at for its Viewers’ Choice Award.This year’s event drew more than 350 attendees along with 20 company expo tables. The final videos, as well as a complete listing of the award winners and a few photos from the ceremony, can be found on the contest website - USA’s Ralf Weiser speaks to students and attendees during the event.Dream It. Do It. PA is a partnership directed by the Manufacturers Resource Center (MRC) in Allentown, Pa., and is dedicated to changing perceptions and attitudes in the Keystone State about advanced manufacturing careers. Dream It. Do It. PA started in 2013 as an effort called Lehigh Valley Skill Up to raise awareness in the Lehigh Valley area. The popularity of the partnership’s flagship student video contests and its rights to the national Dream It. Do It. brand for Pennsylvania has enabled it to expand its reach throughout the commonwealth. Additional information is available on the web at
07.03.2023 - AERZEN auf der Hannover Messe 2023 | 17. - 21. April Maßgeschneiderte, effiziente und smarte Lösungen für die Druckluft-, Prozessgas- und Vakuumtechnik So wie der Mensch die Luft zum Atmen braucht, so sind auch viele Industrieprozesse auf eine zuverlässige Versorgung mit Prozessluft angewiesen – sei es Transportieren, Belüften, Kühlen, Mischen,... mehr lesen
30.04.2018 - Performance³ - The next generation. Bis zu 80% des Gesamtenergiebedarfs einer Kläranlage fallen in der biologischen Belebung an. Die Aerzener Maschinenfabrik hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, verborgene Energiepotenziale in der Belüftung aufzudecken, effizienter zu gestalten und zu optimieren: Performance³ nennt sich die... mehr lesen
23.04.2018 - Produkterweiterung bei den Delta Blower Drehkolbengebläsen Die breit aufgestellte Aggregatserie der Aerzener Maschinenfabrik ist um die Ansaugvolumenströme von 6600 m3/h und 7800 m3/h erweitert worden. Damit bietet AERZEN, einer der Weltmarktführer für Gebläsetechnik, seinen Kunden eine nochmals feinere Staffelung bei den Gebläsegrößen. Individuelle... mehr lesen