man in blue with helmet

65 candles on the cake

Aerzen first opened for business in Belgium exactly 65 years ago.


Aerzen first opened for business in Belgium exactly 65 years ago. It was the roots blower and screw compressor manufacturer’s first foreign venture. The Belgian subsidiary now has 32 people on the payroll at its Kortenberg base. 

Aerzen first opened for business in Belgium exactly 65 years ago. It was the roots blower and screw compressor manufacturer’s first foreign venture. The Belgian subsidiary now has 32 people on the payroll at its Kortenberg base. “Proximity has always been an important part of the head office’s philosophy,” says Frederik Deboyser. “Our customers have to be able to rely on their systems. A failing blower at a water purification station is a disaster for the microorganisms there. Which is why we invest in proactive maintenance and a rapid response to any problems that might occur. We have no fewer than 13 technicians, which means we are able to answer calls 24/7. We can even deliver emergency power units within six hours through our Dutch sister company Aerzen Rental BV.”

Aerzen is a leader in its field, so the strategy has clearly been a success. After 65 years the company is still going strong. They have a lot of new stuff in the pipeline, especially in terms of digitalization and extra services. You can find out more at Maintenance 2020, where Aerzen will have an imposing stand to present its products and services. “We feel it’s the perfect platform to celebrate our 65th anniversary,” says Frederik Deboyser. “People will have to come along to see how we do that.”

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