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Biogas compressor - series VMY


Oil-injected screw compressor for bio and process gas 

AERZEN screw compressor packages are characterised by a great variety of types and a lot of modification possibilities. Whether these compressors serve as part of the customer's plant concept or they are applied as complete system solution, AERZEN always adapts to individual customer requirements. Forming the basis for this is the development competence of this world market leader, as AERZEN has constantly innovated, optimised and completed successfully its compressors since 1943.

The biogas compressor series VMY is an oil-injected screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows up to 3080 m³/h and up to 25 bar overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of biomethane to inject into gas grids. The biogas compressor has a variable volume control by means of hydraulically operated control flaps (gate control).

300 bis 9.500 m3/h
Mischgase , Biogas , Biomethan , Prozessgase
25.000 mbar


Die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung aus der chemischen und petrochemischen Industrie zeigt sich auch in den Produkten für die Biogasbranche. So können die Kunden vom langjährigen Know-how von AERZEN profitieren. Die Verwendung von Biogas bei der Energieerzeugung wird erheblich dazu beitragen, die nationalen und international angestrebten Ziele leichter zu erreichen, sei es der Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie oder aber die Reduzierung von CO2 Emissionen.


  • Deponiegas
  • Biogas
  • Erdgas
  • Stadtgas

Zubehör & Lösungen